Data Action Project
The Data Action Project developed and prototype examples of how data visualization can be used to influence debates on civic issues and ultimately affect policy. The unprecedented growth of data has generated excitement in popular media and press for its ability using it to reshape the dynamics of everyday life. However, big data does not act on its own and will not change the world unless it is collated and synthesized into tools that people can acquire and use. The Data Action project is data visualizations on current events to provide examples for how anyone can use data to to expose hidden patterns and ideologies to audiences inside and outside the policy arena to encourage civic change.
The Racial and Income Effects of Redlining
We decided to investigate the effects suburban living racial dynamics within the context of Cleveland, Ohio in order to get a more nuanced and spatial understanding. We chose Cleveland because its surburban history is as long as the city itself, and it exemplifies a city which saw a housing and industrial boom during and after World War II.

We highlighted the prevalence of disbursement of Department of Defense military equipment to state, county, and municipal governemnts through the 1033 program.